The Format: As the convener, Roman Miller will chair three panel members to discuss interpreting and applying scripture to various theological and lifestyle topics.
Keith Breault, Associate Rector, Church of the Incarnation; Anglican Perspective: The aspect of Anglican theology that Keith appreciates most is the centrality of the resurrection of Jesus. At the resurrection, the life and blessing of God’s Kingdom dawned on our darkened world with irrevocable healing and hope. The liturgy is structured to draw us into God’s life as His children and His ambassadors.
John Sloop, Retired Presbyterian Pastor, Reformed/Calvinist Theological Perspective: While passionately committed to doctrines of sovereign Grace expressed in the Reformed tradition of John Calvin, John Knox and Johnathan Edwards, John preaches that salvation comes through Christ alone; Grace alone; Faith alone; Scripture alone . . . and all to the Glory of God alone.
Ervin Stutzman, Retired Mennonite Pastor & Church Administrator, Anabaptist Theological Perspective: Ervin is a convinced Anabaptist, a part of the believer’s church movement that emphasizes voluntary adult baptism, seeking to follow Jesus in all of life, pursuing peace and justice and accountability in Christian community.