Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - The Value of Jane Austen’s Legacy

Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - The Value of Jane Austen’s Legacy

When Jane Austen published her now-famous novels in the 1810's, the title pages did not even bear her name as the author. In the decades following their publication, few would have guessed that we would be talking about these texts in the twentieth century, let alone the twenty-first. Yet, over two-hundred years later, Austen and her novels have seeped into the zeitgeist and never left. In this talk, Dr. Christina Richieri Griffin, Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia Department of English, discusses Jane Austen’s life and works - what we know, what we don’t - and how Austen became the cultural touchstone she is today.

Tickets: $8 in advance; $10 at door; Call the VMRC Wellness Center, 540.574.3850

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Planning Well for End of Life: “Ending Well:  Honoring Your Life, Faith and Values”

Planning Well for End of Life: “Ending Well: Honoring Your Life, Faith and Values”

  • Strite Auditorium at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Living well, aging well and ending well all require thoughtful

planning. This four-week series will help participants prepare

for the medical, legal, emotional and spiritual aspects of the

end of life. Participants will be equipped to have necessary

conversations with loved ones and make their wishes known.

Practical tools will be shared for your own personal preparation

for the end of life.

All classes will be held on Thursdays in Strite Auditorium

from 2:00-3:15 pm

February 13: “Ending Well: Honoring Your Life, Faith and Values”

Facilitated by Melinda Noland, VP Wellness and Enrichment

Presented by Steve Landis and Carmen Miller, VMRC Chaplains

To register call the VMRC Wellness Center at 540 574-3850 or email You can register for the entire series or register for individual sessions.

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Planning Well for End of Life:  “Creating Peace of Mind:  Estate Planning and Wills”

Planning Well for End of Life: “Creating Peace of Mind: Estate Planning and Wills”

  • Strite Auditorium at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Living well, aging well and ending well all require thoughtful

planning. This four-week series will help participants prepare

for the medical, legal, emotional and spiritual aspects of the

end of life. Participants will be equipped to have necessary

conversations with loved ones and make their wishes known.

Practical tools will be shared for your own personal preparation

for the end of life.

All classes will be held on Thursdays in Strite Auditorium

from 2:00-3:15 pm

February 6: “Creating Peace of Mind: Estate Planning and Wills”

Facilitated by Mia Olsen, Resident Services Manager

Presented by Cathy Leitner, Leitner Law PLC

To register call the VMRC Wellness Center at 540 574-3850 or email You can register for the entire series or register for individual sessions.

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Planning Well for End of Life:   “Dying Well:  What Does it Mean to You?”

Planning Well for End of Life: “Dying Well: What Does it Mean to You?”

  • Strite Auditorium at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Living well, aging well and ending well all require thoughtful

planning. This four-week series will help participants prepare

for the medical, legal, emotional and spiritual aspects of the

end of life. Participants will be equipped to have necessary

conversations with loved ones and make their wishes known.

Practical tools will be shared for your own personal preparation

for the end of life.

All classes will be held on Thursdays in Strite Auditorium

from 2:00-3:15 pm

January 30: “Dying Well: What Does it Mean to You?”

Facilitated by Mandy Slaubaugh, Woodland Park Social Worker

Presented by Penny Driediger, Chaplain at Sentara RMH

Presented by Lauren Coceano, First Choice Hospice Team Leader

To register call the VMRC Wellness Center at 540 574-3850 or email You can register for the entire series or register for individual sessions.

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Planning Well for End of Life:  “Planning Well:  Creating Opportunities for Conversations”

Planning Well for End of Life: “Planning Well: Creating Opportunities for Conversations”

  • Strite Auditorium at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Living well, aging well and ending well all require thoughtful

planning. This four-week series will help participants prepare

for the medical, legal, emotional and spiritual aspects of the

end of life. Participants will be equipped to have necessary

conversations with loved ones and make their wishes known.

Practical tools will be shared for your own personal preparation

for the end of life.

All classes will be held on Thursdays in Strite Auditorium

from 2:00-3:15 pm

January 23: “Planning Well: Creating Opportunities for Conversations”

Facilitated by Melinda Noland, VP Wellness and Enrichment

Presented by Carmen Miller, Supportive Living Chaplain

Reflections by Carolyn Nowlin and Larry Clark, VMRC Residents

To register call the VMRC Wellness Center at 540 574-3850 or email You can register for the entire series or register for individual sessions.

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Elder Exchange: Strep Throat Diagnosis and Healing:A Case Study in Health Care Research and Development

Elder Exchange: Strep Throat Diagnosis and Healing:A Case Study in Health Care Research and Development

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the public health concern over antibiotic resistance. Did you know that overprescribing antibiotics for sore throats is a major contributor to the problem? Julia Halterman, Senior Lecturer & Researcher in Biomedicine, EMU, and Founder and CEO of SalivIQ Diagostics, Inc., will discuss how innovations in testing for strep throat can be part of the solution.

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Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Gene Editing and the Good Life

Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Gene Editing and the Good Life

Dr. James C. Peterson is the Schumann Professor Emeritus of Ethics at Roanoke College and a faculty member at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. He has been a research fellow in molecular and clinical genetics on grant from NIH and written books such as Changing Human Nature: Ecology, Ethics, Genes, and God. We are now starting to edit genes in patients and their children. Peterson will give a first-hand report of how geneticists across the world have been meeting to discern and encourage the best use of this transformative technology for healing human disease, and maybe even enhancement.

Tickets: $8 in advance; $10 at door; Call the VMRC Wellness Center, 540.574.3850

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Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Equal Partners:  Vocal and Pianistic Story-Telling through Music and Poetry

Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Equal Partners: Vocal and Pianistic Story-Telling through Music and Poetry

Marie Engle, mezzo-soprano and doctoral student at Northwestern University and Mary Castello, collaborative pianist at Acadia University, perform two masterworks of the art song repertoire: Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe (poetry by Heinrich Heine) and Gabriel Faure’s La bonne chanson(poetry by Paul Verlaine). Both song cycles present voice and piano, word and music as equal partners in the stories they tell.

Tickets: $8 in advance; $10 at door; Call the VMRC Wellness Center, 540.574.3850

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Elder Exchange: “Interpreting the Bible for All It’s Wealth: Differing Insights on Christian Faith, Salvation, Other Faith Traditions, Ethics, and Mission” ~ A Panel Discussion

Elder Exchange: “Interpreting the Bible for All It’s Wealth: Differing Insights on Christian Faith, Salvation, Other Faith Traditions, Ethics, and Mission” ~ A Panel Discussion

The Format: As the convener, Roman Miller will chair three panel members to discuss interpreting and applying scripture to various theological and lifestyle topics.

Keith Breault, Associate Rector, Church of the Incarnation; Anglican Perspective: The aspect of Anglican theology that Keith appreciates most is the centrality of the resurrection of Jesus. At the resurrection, the life and blessing of God’s Kingdom dawned on our darkened world with irrevocable healing and hope. The liturgy is structured to draw us into God’s life as His children and His ambassadors.

John Sloop, Retired Presbyterian Pastor, Reformed/Calvinist Theological Perspective: While passionately committed to doctrines of sovereign Grace expressed in the Reformed tradition of John Calvin, John Knox and Johnathan Edwards, John preaches that salvation comes through Christ alone; Grace alone; Faith alone; Scripture alone . . . and all to the Glory of God alone.

Ervin Stutzman, Retired Mennonite Pastor & Church Administrator, Anabaptist Theological Perspective: Ervin is a convinced Anabaptist, a part of the believer’s church movement that emphasizes voluntary adult baptism, seeking to follow Jesus in all of life, pursuing peace and justice and accountability in Christian community.

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VMRC Active Aging Week:  Changing the Way You Think About Aging

VMRC Active Aging Week: Changing the Way You Think About Aging

Presented by Jenny Inker, MBA, PhD, LAFA, Associate Professor at VCU.

All are invited to join a lively conversation on the way we think about aging. We will look critically at societal messaging and what it means to grow older. We will also explore how we can change our thinking by shifting from a preoccupation with ageism to a focus on elderhood and what the difference is between the two.

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38th Annual  Shenandoah Valley Watercolor Society's Members' Show
to Nov 8

38th Annual Shenandoah Valley Watercolor Society's Members' Show

Visit the Park Gables Gallery at VMRC between Sept. 8 and Nov. 8 to view beautiful and iridescent watercolor paintings created by talented area artists. The annual watercolors showcase will include an opening reception on Sunday, Sept. 8 and an evening reception on Friday, Oct. 4, during the Art Council of the Valley’s First Fridays events.

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Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Election 2024

Shenandoah Valley Lyceum - Election 2024

J. Miles Coleman is the Associate Director of Sabato’s Crystal Ball, a political newsletter. Based at the University of Virginia, Coleman’s research involves following campaigns, parsing through detailed election returns, and offering political prognostications. This presentation will delve into the 2024 political landscape. While the presidential election will loom large, Coleman will also explore elections for down-ballot offices, such as Congress, as well as discuss the trends that are shaping the American electorate.

Tickets: $8 in advance; $10 at door; Call the VMRC Wellness Center, 540.574.3850

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First Fridays of the Valley Art Reception

First Fridays of the Valley Art Reception

Shenandoah Dreams is an exhibit featuring works by Noelia Nunez and depicts images of the Shenandoah Valley and its dreamscape views. Come and enjoy colorful landscapes with expressive brushstrokes and movement. There will also be refreshments and great company.

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